high efficiency consulting
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Our Expertise Data, ROI & Dashboards

  • Develop channel efficiency and revenues
  • Identifying and capturing additional ROI opportunities
  • Build and deploy effective dashboards and indicators

Client insight

Address a growth gap
Test new business models
Energise dormant legacy business
Have access to an independent analysis of the effectiveness of media channels

Our approach

Understand business models, the value chain, the structure of margins: benchmark these and rely on our processing of extractions provided by online and offline advertising platforms


All of this enables us to build models and scenarios to test and experiment, in close cooperation with our clients’ sales, finance, marketing and media teams


New global business plans emerge, jointly constructed with internal and external stakeholders


Our deliveries

Review of the effectiveness of media and sales channels




Test plans


Dashboards and indicators

Client insight

Make intelligent savings on marketing, media, and communications expenses
Reduce marketing costs
Secure strategic purchases in a challenging macro-economic environment
Implement a synergy plan between merged entities

Our approach

Our work on ROI/TCO condenses our approaches of organisation, ways of working, performance and revenue development


We engage with teams and partners to get to the heart of the financial data and develop ways of leveraging opportunities


We run workshops with internal contributors to challenge the figures and implementation methods before presenting them to management

Our deliveries

Diagnostic report and recommendations with roadmaps


Implementation of recommendations


Automated ad hoc quotation & budget monitoring tools


Monitor the savings after implementation of recommendations


90% of our recommendations are implemented, and 95% of these implementations achieve the target figures indicated during the diagnosis


Client insight

Map usage and costs
Differentiate the 'must have' from the 'nice to have'
Deploy a harmonised organisation with harmonised practices
Generate intelligent savings

Our approach

As managers and executives are known to be fond of studies and dashboards, we review their uses and the relevance of the services purchased


Build a consensus on dashboards and how to effectively use them

Our deliveries

Strengthened partnership agreements


Harmonised managerial practices


Ad hoc dashboards for steering global projects


Significant savings without compromising quality indicators

See the business case

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